Softball – About and downloads
Rather than go into massive details about softball rules and regulations (they are on the pdf below), here are some of the more common questions answered…
Announcement: First League Game 24th April
The Rules
The rules that CSL plays by! Worth a read…
The Scoresheet
If you’re a captain, print a load off! If you’re not the captain, maybe print one off anyway…
Field Layout
Check out the way the field should look!
Banned Bat List
Don’t buy a bat on this list. They’re banned! If you own one, sorry you can’t use it.
BSF Approved Bats
This is a good example of the bats that you can use at CSL! It’s a bit old now though.
Equality and Diversity
Our Equality and Diversity statement for the league is viewable here.
Is softball basically the same as rounders?
Is softball an easy game to learn to play?
What is the banned bat list?
How many players are in a team?
Is softball expensive?
How do I join?
Want to Join Clifton Softball League?
To find out more about the game or join a team, e-mail Smiffy and he will contact you:
Also join our Facebook group and give us a shout out there! Someone will get in touch!